Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Sura 12 Yusuf


The most beautiful stories

4. Joseph told her father about his dream that he saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon, and saw them prostrated themselves to him.

5. His father told Joseph not relate his vision to his brother

8. The brothers of Joseph ( from another wife of his father ) said that Joseph and his brother ( Benyamin ) were loved by their father more than them

10. One of the brothers said not to slay Joseph but if the must do something better threw down Joseph to the bottom of a well, and let him be picked up by some caravan of travellers.

17,18. They stained Jospeh's shirt with false blood and said to their father that Joseph had been devoured by a wolf ( wolfes )

19 Then there came a caravan of travellers, they picked out Joseph out of the well and sold him for a miserable price ( for a few dirhams ) in Egypt.

21. The man in Egypt who bought him said to his wife might they adopt him as a son

22. When Joseph attained his full manhood, God Gave him power and knowledge.

23. The wife of the Egypt man loved Joseph very much because Joseph was a very handsome young-man. One day the woman fastened the door and said to Joseph to come to her, but Joseph said that it was forbidden by God, and minded her that her husband was his lord

24. And (with passion) did she desire Joseph, and he would desire her, but then Joseph saw the evidence of God

25. So they both raced each other to the door, and she tore his shirt from the back, they both found the lord near the door.
She said that it was Joseph that formed an evil design againts her.

26. But Joseph said it was her wife that sought to seduce him.

27. But a witness said that if Joseph's shirt was rent from the front, then was her tale true, but if the shirt was torn from the back, then was she the liar, and Joseph was telling the truth.

28.So when he saw that the shirt was torn at the back, he said that it was a snare of her, a woman

29. Ladies in the city said that the wife of a great Aziz, is seeking to seduce he slave rom his self. They said that she was evidently going astray.

30. When she heard their malicious talk, she sent on them and prepare a banquet from them. She gave each of them a knife and she said to Joseph to come out before them. When they saw him they did extol him and (in their amazement) cut their hands

33. Joseph said to his Lord that the prison is more to his liking than that to which the women infite him.

36 With him there came into the prison two young men.One of them said that he saw himself in a dream pressing wine. And the other said that he saw himself carrying bread on his head and birds were eating thereof. They said to Joseph to tell them the meanings of their dreams.

37.Joseph answered that one of the two would pour out the wine for his lord to drink. And the other would hang from the cross and the birds would eat from off his head.

42. To that one whom he considered about to be saved, Joseph said to him to mention him ( Joseph ) to his lord.

43 The king of Egypt had a vision ( a dream ) and said that he saw seven fat kine, whom seven lean ones devour, and seven green ears of corn and seven (others) withered.

47. Joseph said to the King that seven years the King should diligently sow as was his wont, and the harvest of that he reaped he should leave them in the ear except a little of which he should eat.

48. Then would come after that seven dreadful years which would devour what he should have laid by in advance for then.

49. And then would come after that a year in which the people had abudant water etc.

54. The king took Joseph specially to serve about his own person. He set Joseph over the store-house of the land, and Joseph would indeed guard them.

58. Then came Joseph's brehern. They entered his presence, and he knew them, but they knew them not.

89. Joseph said to them after that how they dealt with Joseph and his brother a long time ago.

90. They said: "Are thou indeed Joseph? He said: "I am Joseph and this is my brother

100. And he(Joseph) raised his parents high on the throne (of dignity), and they fell down in prostration before him. He said: " Oh my father! This is thefulfilment of my vision(dream) of old! God Had Made it come true."

Comment: If you want to read the complete beautiful story of Joseph's life, you can visit:
